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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cooool Game .!

The game that I enjoyed the most was called Wizard Poetry. In this game I studied the following skills which were Rhyme,Alliteration, also Rhythm. In order to win this game I had to find different color monsters in each room which the monsters had a key. Each monster asked a question and you have to guest if its either Alliteration,Rhythm,and Rhyme.With each keys you get to open the door. The thing I enjoyed most about this game was controlling the little boy. My partner was Linda. Linda and I won at the same time. To play this game go to this link Wizard Poetry.
The game that I enjoyed the 2nd
most was called Is This A Metaphor. In this game I studied the following skills which is metaphor and simile. In order to win this game I had to answer the following questions. The thing I enjoyed most about this game was answering all the question. My partner was Linda again. We both won got 100%. To play this game go to this link 1) Is this a metaphor?

The game that I least enjoyed was called Battle Ship. In this game I studied the following skills Figurative Language. In order to win this game I had to answer all the correct answer and also sink my partner ship. The thing I least enjoyed about this game was losing. My partner was computer. My partner won. To play this game go to this link Figurative Language Battleship.

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